About Your Teacher
Hi everyone! My name is Rachel. I started my midwife training in 2011 and have had the privilege of supporting expectant parents ever since. I have seen the benefits of hypnobirthing and am passionate about helping women and their partners have positive, empowering birth experiences. I also used hypnobirthing during my own pregnancy and birth and can now say first hand that it works!
I believe in informed choice in all aspects of pregnancy and birth, including antenatal education. Most NHS Trusts offer free antenatal classes of some sort - just ask your community midwife. Whilst working as an NHS midwife, I have taught these parent-education classes (often to large groups) and whilst it's great fun, it can be challenging condensing everything there is to know in to 4 hours!
These classes may be enough for some, but I truly believe that knowledge is power and so I wanted to provide the option of thorough, evidence-based, fun antenatal education where I can offer more time and support to those who are interested. So, I undertook the RCM (Royal College of Midwives) accredited KGHypnobirthing Teacher Training Course in 2019 and Blissful Birthing Hypnobirthing Antenatal Classes in Oxfordshire was born! The satisfaction that this brings is amazing! (just take a look at my Testimonials page to see why!).
Disclaimer: please note that although I work as a midwife (and am therefore a total birth geek!), this is an entirely separate role to that of being a hypnobirthing teacher.
Blissful Birthing offers private antenatal education sessions in the form of KGHypnobirthing. NO personal clinical advice given.